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Thread: ★Bao Jian Feng★

  1. #201
    Member XiaoYu's Avatar
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    Thanks much, jennie Is Qing Tian Yu Men 2 as good as the first?

    Anyone seen any of his other series and can give a review, like "Zhen Zhu Ta" or "南北一家亲"?

  2. #202
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    LZG can speak for Qing Tian Yu Men 2 better since she's acutally watched it. From what I heard, Bao Bao doens't have much screen time there, unlike QTYM 1.

    I've seen 南北一家亲. Bao Bao is the lead and he is really young looking. His character is a boy next door type, very sweet. Mei Ting played his love interest, but he is involved with three others.


    I believe 青天衙门 is available at quite a few online stores.

    ETA, have you watched 起跑天堂? An idol drama, pletty of eye candies there.

    I love Wei Zheng in Qin Wang Li Shi Min, mustache not withstanding. It is all in his eyes. Especially in the third act of the series, all the conflicts are surrounding Wei Zheng. Peter Ho's character is rendered into supporting role late in the serie, at least for me.

    Last edited by jennie; 11-15-05 at 12:44 PM.

  3. #203
    Member XiaoYu's Avatar
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    If Bao Jian Feng has a portion of Qin Wang Li Shi Min all to himself, then I'm definitely going to check it out.

    I've only ever gotten to watch the first ep (didn't really like Peter's Li Shi Min but did like Yan Kuan's character) and I got quite confused seeing such a young and handsome Wei Zheng. Correct me if I'm wrong (which I may well be since I only know the plot of Sui Tang Yan Yi from listening to the story-ized version of it) but isn't Wei Zheng the old strategist of Wa Gang Mt who eventually initiates desertion to the Tang government because the character Bao Jian Feng plays in ZZHY -- interesting connection -- and Mei Niang are always fooling around? Then again, it seems this series doesn't follow history (or even romanticized history) very well.

    I don't really like Bao Jian Feng's moustache, but that's because I don't like facial hair on anyone in general. That doesn't make me enjoy watching a character any less, though. Yin Zhen Feng in 起跑天堂 has stubble almost the whole way through but I see how it helps make the character's image. (He does go clean shaven later on though.) By the way, I really like 起跑天堂; it's a nice modern idol series. The Mainland's definitely getting better with them. I'm almost done with it, which is why I'm looking for other Bao Jian Feng series.

    Is 南北一家亲 worth buying? I don't have all that much extra dough to spend, but I'll do it for a good series. But if it was just average, I might wait for something else of his.

  4. #204
    Senior Member Lady Zhuge's Avatar
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    I've seen the first 24 episodes of QTYM 2 and like it. Like I said earlier, my main complaint about QTYM was that the beginning seemed kind of directionless since I was expecting them to jump right into some good cases and that they spent too many episodes on each case. It makes sense to me now since they needed to establish the judge and his background first in QTYM. I'm used to the format now though and didn't mind that they spent 24 episodes on just 2 cases in part 2. Bao Bao doesn't have much screentime in part 2, not even as much as Pan Hong (who plays Huang Tai Hou) so QTYM is the way to go if you just want more Bao Bao. I have seen a torrent for QTYM floating around recently. If you want, I'll PM it to you if I see it again.

    QWLSM was where I first discovered Bao Bao, so I like everything about his Wei Zheng. Historically, Wei Zheng was formerly Li Jian Cheng's advisor. He was captured after Li Jian Cheng's defeat/death and became a key consultant to Li Shimin, who appreciated his talents and honesty. This series kind of follows history in this respect (with Wei Zheng advising LJC) although it doesn't follow through to the end. Yan Kuan's Li Jian Cheng is likable towards the beginning, but later becomes . I blame that on inconsistent characterization and development. Personally, I've always thought Yan Kuan would have made a better Li Shimin than Peter Ho.
    Last edited by Lady Zhuge; 11-15-05 at 04:10 PM.

  5. #205
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    I love Bao Bao's stubble look in QPTT, not too thrilled after he shaved it.

    I've only ever gotten to watch the first ep (didn't really like Peter's Li Shi Min but did like Yan Kuan's character) and I got quite confused seeing such a young and handsome Wei Zheng. Correct me if I'm wrong (which I may well be since I only know the plot of Sui Tang Yan Yi from listening to the story-ized version of it) but isn't Wei Zheng the old strategist of Wa Gang Mt who eventually initiates desertion to the Tang government because the character Bao Jian Feng plays in ZZHY -- interesting connection -- and Mei Niang are always fooling around? Then again, it seems this series doesn't follow history (or even romanticized history) very well.
    You might be refereing Xu Mao Gong who was the Wa Gang Zhai's chief strategist. Wei Zheng I think had always followed Li Jian Cheng. He should be relatively young in that period as it was prior to Tang Dynasty.

    Anyway, QWLSM doesn't really follow the history or even the well known Yan Yi History that well. Basically it takes those ancient names and the history back drop and reinvent the whole new wheel.

    I wouldn't really recommend ZZHY even though he looks pretty hot in the first 15 episodes. His character Li Zhi, is useless and the main obstacle between the herione and the hero.

    In QWLSM, Bao Bao played Wei Zheng who eventually served under Li Shi Min. In ZZHY, he played Li Shi Min's son. In the latest Xue Ren Gui series, he is playing Xue Ren Gui who serves under both Li Shi Min and Li Zhi.

    Is 南北一家亲 worth buying? I don't have all that much extra dough to spend, but I'll do it for a good series. But if it was just average, I might wait for something else of his.
    It is about stories happening to average Shanghainess in their every day life, if you are interested in that. Also imo it is his earlier work and Bao Bao hasn't fully grown into his good look yet.

    If you like the comical Bao Bao, then you should go with 十八岁的天空 and 真情告别. You probably have already seen though. In 真情告别, his character really took a beating, but it was a comical riot.

    If you like the serious Bao Bao, go with QWLSM and QTYM. There are some funny moments between Wei Zheng and Alyssia's character and Wei Zheng/Liu Wen Jing. But I like the serious Wei Zheng better which is toward the end.
    Last edited by jennie; 11-15-05 at 04:22 PM.

  6. #206
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    Default Re: QWLSM about the facial hair on Wei Zheng

    I figured the directors ordered the makeup people to cover Bao Bao's face with facial hair so that LSM wouldn't be too overshadowed by his good look.
    Last edited by jennie; 11-15-05 at 04:21 PM.

  7. #207
    Member XiaoYu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennie
    You might be refereing Xu Mao Gong who was the Wa Gang Zhai's chief strategist. Wei Zheng I think had always followed Li Jian Cheng. He should be relatively young in that period as it was prior to Tang Dynasty.
    Hmm think you're right. My bad. I must be forgetting what role Wei Zheng plays in the plot. It's been awhile since I last heard the story.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Zhuge
    Personally, I've always thought Yan Kuan would have made a better Li Shimin than Peter Ho.
    Totally agree. Yan Kuan's got the looks and carriage of the Li Shi Min in my head. Peter He can be pretty intense too, but...his Li Shi Min seemed to have all the style of a xiao liu mang. I may be speaking prematurely though, since I've only seen that first ep. Guess I'll reserve judgement till after I've seen more.

    Quote Originally Posted by jennie
    I figured the directors ordered the makeup people to cover Bao Bao's face with facial hair so that LSM wouldn't be too overshadowed by his good look.
    Haha yeah, can't have the main actor being overshadowed by side characters. Too bad that tactic didn't quite work, what with both Yan Kuan and Bao Jian Feng in the cast.

    I've seen 十八岁的天空, which was the first entire series of Bao Jian Feng's that I've seen, and I hope to see 真情告别 soon. Same main guy as in Fen Hong Nv Lang...looks interesting.

  8. #208
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    Default re:真情告别

    some pix: Bao Bao really just played a sidekick who provided comical relief. But man, was he funny there.


  9. #209
    Senior Member Lady Zhuge's Avatar
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    I heard that Bao Bao's character in 真情告别 was quite obnoxious.

    I guess I'm one of the few who liked Bao Bao in ZZHY. I found his Li Zhi to be a riot, especially towards the beginning. The main couple's relationship kind of bored me. Yes they should have been together, but somewhere far away and undisturbed.

  10. #210
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    Re: ZZHY. The real Li Zhi in the history is a actually a good emperor. Although a bit weak, he was benevolent and intelligent with deep affections for Mei Niang. He saved her from the nun place, married his father's wife, broke all kinds of traditional rules and upset his people.

    So it's all about the point of view. ZZHY wanted people to fall for the main couple and made them separate and miserable and therefore Li Zhi became the major stumble block and one of the antagonists. I'm sure had the story be written from Li Zhi's POV, or even somewhat follow the history, it would have been totally different.

    I actually bought the VCDs for Zhao Wen Zhuo when ZZHY first came out. After the first 2 episodes, it didn't feel right that the Tai Zi character seemed more attractive to me in terms of the look and demeaner. That was the first series I saw Bao Bao although heard of his name before. After 10 episodes, I stopped watching cuz the main couple's love story wasn't interesting and Li Zhi was portrayed as complete useless jerk.

  11. #211
    Senior Member Lady Zhuge's Avatar
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    Going by historical accuracy (or rather, lack thereof), ZZHY was just as bad as QWLSM. Not only was Li Zhi made to be a joke, but Mei Niang too. She was so naive that if she'd been the real Wu Mei Niang, China still wouldn't have a female emperor. I think the most historically accurate/fair portrayal of Li Zhi that I've seen would be a toss-up between Chen Bao Guo in Wu Ze Tian 1995 and the actor in Da Ming Gong Ci. Li Zhi allowed Wu Ze Tian to have so much court power that she dared to use and/or kill her own flesh and blood to substantiate her position. In that respect, I would say that Li Zhi was not so much a good and responsible emperor as a doting husband. On a purely entertainment level, Bao Bao amused me the most in ZZHY. I can still recall the scene when he was dressed as a servant when his father Li Shimin came in and then tried desperately to hide behind a plant to avoid being caught.

  12. #212
    Member XiaoYu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennie
    The blondness! It's blinding me!!!

    Him just being a crazy sidekick is ok for me. I was going to watch Zhen Qing Gao Bie just to see another Hu Bing series anyway. It's a plus I'll get to see Bao Jian Feng well as that Pei Pei Lao Shi actress; I liked her. I hear Hu Bing's gotten bad rap in China, but Bao Jian Feng's public image must be really good; I haven't seen much reason for it to be otherwise. He's so polite when addressing fans.

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Zhuge
    I heard that Bao Bao's character in 真情告别 was quite obnoxious.
    Bao Bao's character Chen Zi Cong has all kinds of character flaws: cheap, wimpy, nosy, @ss kissing to his boss and can be a jerk when around women. He does have some merits like loyal to friends, empathy to the weaks, sweet to his gf and very handy with all kinds of tools and crafts. On top of everything, Bao Bao's characterization was just incredibly funny.

    Comes to think of it, Bao Bao's rarely played anyone without major character flaw in all the shows I've seen. 18 and QWLSM maybe the exceptions although both of them can be off the wall at times. Oh, of course Kang Xi is perfect!
    Last edited by jennie; 11-17-05 at 09:48 AM.

  14. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by XiaoYu
    I hear Hu Bing's gotten bad rap in China .
    Have you seen a photo in which Hu posed like Marilyn Monroe? With stunning assemblence I must say, especially the lips.

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by XiaoYu
    but Bao Jian Feng's public image must be really good;I haven't seen much reason for it to be otherwise. He's so polite when addressing fans.
    Bao Bao seems to have a personalit of warm, outgoing and happy go lucky. And he is a excellent writer. His posts ranging from poetry to simple journals fill with humor and compassion. He could definitely be a terrific Chinese Languge Art teacher for high schools if the acting gig didn't work out.
    Last edited by jennie; 11-16-05 at 08:46 PM.

  16. #216
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    Default Latest photos fresh out Bao Bao's site =0


  17. #217
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    Default isn't this adorable?


  18. #218
    Member XiaoYu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennie
    Have you seen a photo in which Hu posed like Marilyn Monroe? With stunning assemblence I must say, especially the lips.
    Haha, no I haven't. (Gotta say that Chen Hao makes a great Marilyn though. )

    Thanks for the Bao Jian Feng pics. Keep them coming! He looks so perfect in ancient costume.

  19. #219
    Senior Member Lady Zhuge's Avatar
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    Why does Hu Bing have a bad rap in China? I don't know much about him, so I'm just curious.

    Quote Originally Posted by jennie
    Comes to think of it, Bao Bao's rarely played anyone without major character flaw in all the shows I've seen. 18 and QWLSM maybe the exceptions although both of them can be off the wall at times. Oh, of course Kang Xi is perfect!
    Can you tell me more about Bao Bao's character in Yong Le Ying Xiong? What's his major character flaw in there?

    Quote Originally Posted by jennie
    Bao Bao seems to have a personalit of warm, outgoing and happy go lucky. And he is a excellent writer. His posts ranging from poetry to simple journals fill with humor and compassion. He could definitely be a terrific Chinese Languge Art teacher for high schools if the acting gig didn't work out.
    Bao Bao's such a well-rounded guy. It'd be a dream come true to have him as a teacher. I doubt I'd be able to pay attention in class, though.

    Thanks for the new pics. Hubba hubba.

  20. #220
    Member XiaoYu's Avatar
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    About Hu Bing, I was told by a friend who just came from China that he released an album and always blows off the promotion appearances for it, pissing off his fans and making him seem really arrogant. I don't know if that's true or not, but apparently the general population doesn't look too kindly on him.

    I wanna hear Bao Jian Feng sing more; didn't he say he was going to have an album out?

    Don't all characters need major flaws? Otherwise they'd be no fun, I think. A series with all perfect characters would be so...dull

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