Devache1's Ratings

Majo no Jouken
Majo no Jouken 1999

Indeed, Majou Jou Noken was the best Japanese drama I have ever watched. Ice World would come a distant second, incidentally having Nanako as the lead as well. I fully agree with you, with Nanako having great screen presence, she has a subtle way of portraying her image, very much like Choi Ji Woo of Korea, which makes the two of them, my favourite Asian actresses.

The Bali Story
The Bali Story 2004

I'm watching it right and can't help but feel a tad of disappointment about the ending.
I feel the writers of this show could have better exploited the storyline by giving it a better ending, perhaps HJW and JIS dying together rather than SJS and HJW being killed by JIS.
The acting in this drama by JIS is by far one of the more admirable ones I've seen as he plays a confused character, Jung Jae Min, of which Jo In Sung pulled off perfectly.

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