Thread: 大唐双龙传 [Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan] by Huang Yi

  1. #4001
    Senior Member SkyWalker's Avatar
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    Thanks foxs! And i couldnt agree more. Enough with her beauty already! Three quarter of the last post was dedicated to describing her beauty in every way possible! We may have a winner in the beauty contest! Even the talented Hou Xibai couldn't capture her beauty on paper. That said a lot!

    Hopefully we'll have an exciting battle ahead. Heck, throw Wanwan in the mix too!

  2. #4002
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    Thanks, foxs.

  3. #4003
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWalker View Post
    Heck, throw Wanwan in the mix too!
    I believe she is lurking around nearby... only we cannot detect her presence.

  4. #4004
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    Thanks foxs.

    I got my beer and nuts!!! Round 1 Shi Feixuan vs Xu; Round 2 Reverend Liao Kong vs Ba: Round 3 ??? vs Kou. Hopefully 1 chapter or 2 for each round

  5. #4005
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    Thanks foxs

  6. #4006
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laoren View Post
    Round 3 ??? vs Kou. Hopefully 1 chapter or 2 for each round
    vote for Dong Shuni.

  7. #4007
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    Thanks foxs

  8. #4008
    Senior Member spynet's Avatar
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    Thanks foxs!

  9. #4009
    Senior Member 徐中銳's Avatar
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    I empathise with you... I'll bookmark it so as to easily link back here, whenever the question of Shi Feixuan's entry comes up

    Quote Originally Posted by foxs View Post
    BTW, this chapter is very difficult to translate; I ran out of English words to describe how beautiful she was (Okay, Huang Yi, she is beautiful, I get it. Can we get on with the story, please?)
    I know more than I can express in words, and the little I can express would not have been expressed, had I not known more. 弗拉基米爾弗拉基米羅維奇納博科夫

  10. #4010
    Senior Member foxs's Avatar
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    Default Book 15 Chapter 2 - Part 2

    Xiaohu, if need be. Dont you think thats a good idea? Sky, who knows? Perhaps you will get what you wish. Jaya, Ysabel, HPC, spy, you are welcome. Lao Qianbei, not sure about that perhaps the fight will be one sentence only. Xu Xiong, Heres the end of Chapter 2.

    Shi Feixuan sighed and said, And this is the third reason Feixuan has no choice but to make my move. Because of the theft of the Jade Annulus of He Clan, Dashi [great master/reverend, common term to address Buddhist monks] had to break his vow of silent meditation that he had already cultivated for many years. Feixuan fells even more guilty, and had to make exception by personally making my move.

    Frowning, Kou Zhong said, Even if the Jade Annulus of He Clan was not taken by us, the battle tonight is still inevitable, isnt it? In that case, which sacred self would be my, Zhong Shaos opponent?

    Remaining calm in the midst of chaos, Shi Feixuan said, As long as Kou Xiong and Ba Xiong do not strive to make your move, how could Feixuan offend you? I just want to confirm whether Xu Xiongs xinfa [Translators note: so far I translated this as mental cultivation; I am starting to think that I need a better translation] from the Secret to Long Life is drawn from the unusual power of the treasured jade annulus imperial seal!

    Kou and Ba immediately cursed their own stupidity for neglecting the fact that Shi Feixuans swordsmanship also came from the highest art of their mysterious school, Ci Hang Jian Dian [lit. sword canon of Ci Hang]; perhaps she really could see through whether Xu Ziling had the capability to steal the treasure. In which case, they still could not dispute it even if they had a hundred arguments. The only way would be to escape as far as possible, and unless they knew for sure that they could defeat Shi Feixuan, they might as well not to show themselves in Jianghu.

    At the same time, they both felt lucky. After absorbing the energy from the Jade Annulus of He Clan, perhaps Xu Zilings power xinfa became so superior that even Shi Feixuan would fail to recognize it?

    However, the other possibility would be that as soon as they fought, Shi Feixuan would immediately see through that Xu Ziling indeed possessed the unusual energy from the Jade Annulus of He Clan. This would be disastrous.

    The two flipped back and forth between these two contradicting thoughts; advancing or retreating, they would lose. Should the refuse, or accept gladly?

    The first attitude would show clearly that they were thieves lacking in confidence; the second attitude was a trap, with even more worrying consequences.

    Shi Feixuans personality was just like her sword: difficult to ward off. And she has hit their weak point.

    On the surface, the two were, naturally, as calm and composed as usual, without disclosing the storm in their heart.

    On the contrary, the person involved, i.e. Xu Ziling, remained confident and at ease; he smiled and said, Miss has this kind of validation art, it is indeed what Zaixia wanted to seek but failed to get. Please!

    Shi Feixuan took two seemingly very casual, steps forward; immediately a burst of dense, fierce without equal, momentum enveloped all three men.

    The three shivered inwardly.

    Her two seemingly simple steps were like moving clouds and flowing water that gave out a fantastic feeling of a dam cutting off the flow of water; clearly it was some kind of first-class, profound and esoteric footwork style. Otherwise, how could mere two steps express movement and talent strung together, and express her prowess as well?

    They could also feel her essence and qi power was closing in tightly; as soon as one of them revealed any gap, she would immediately draw her sword to attack. And the attack must be of a ten-thousand-catty-thunder strong, which was impossible to withstand.

    In that instant, she already grasped the advantageous offensive position.

    Shi Feixuans pretty face radiated a pure and holy glow, making others did not dare to have any morbid and sacrilegious thought, and were deeply ashamed.

    Xu Zilings tiger-eyes suddenly burst an unprecedented strange light as he took a stride forward.

    In response, Shi Feixuans generated fierce sword qi was immediately concentrated on him.

    While using all his power to resist Shi Feixuan, who was standing proudly about eight paces away at the head of the Bridge, Xu Ziling spoke coldly, Zhong Shao and Fenghan Xiong, please move aside slightly, let Xiaodi have a taste of Sword Canon of Ci Hang, the matchless sword technique in the world.

    Ba Fenghan and Kou Zhong took the opportunity to move separately to the left and right, leaving the two combatants standing face-to-face amassing their power.

    Night breeze was blowing from the River Luo, but the two combatants sleeves were not affected at all.

    The man was casual and elegant; the woman was graceful like a fairy. Watching them was like watching a pair of matching jade annulus made in Heaven; who would have imagined that they were about to fight, so much so that it would be a life and death battle?

    Ba Fenghan and Kou Zhong were standing on either side of the long street. Although they had great confidence at Xu Zilings martial art skill and his intelligence, but his opponent this time was the preeminent swordswoman who came from the number one holy land under the heavens; plus the two were worried about their personal gains and losses, hence their hearts were burning with anxiety.

    Far away, on the street at the other end of the bridge, Reverend Liao Kong, holding the copper bell in his hand, stood quietly, acting as Shi Feixuans backup.

    As for how many people were lurking in the dark, perhaps nobody knew for sure.

    The barge that was sailing under the bridge a moment ago came back, and even stopped under the bridge. A faint silhouette of someone sitting on the deck was seen, giving out a mysterious flavor.

    To Xu Ziling, who was in a standoff against Shi Feixuan, it was a totally different flavor.

    It was only this moment that he finally understood why Wanwan, with all her brilliance, was still afraid of Shi Feixuan and did not dare to make her move so easily. Because from head to toe, this woman could really reached the extraordinary qi controls the momentum stage, where without the sword leaving its sheath, she could already injure the enemy using the sword qi.

    The most terrifying thing was that under her without-any-distracting-thought, deep, clear and bright beautiful gaze, it was so easy for the opponent to lose his will to fight, and thus would greatly reduce his originally unyielding, focused, matchless momentum.

    Her bearing, movements, every frown and every smile, not only left deep, unforgettable impression on others, her graceful, flawless, leaving-nothing-to-be-desired personality did not have the least bit of blemish at all.

    It should be noted that with Xu Zilings eyesight, tempered over many years of battle all over the world, coupled with his unique innate talent, he has already reached the Grand Master level.

    Even against superior masters of Qu Aos caliber, he was able to tell the depths of their skill in just one glance, hence he was able to decide whether to stake it all or to escape.

    But facing this immortal-and-sage-like, otherworldly beauty, he was completely unable to grasp the depth of her skill, or even the strength or weakness of her true character, and as a result, he was unable to develop any strategy.

    Shi Feixuan was also sizing up the opponent with full concentration.

    Even in this time of two strong opponents facing each other, her mood remained transparent and ethereal, without the slightest desire to kill or to boast.

    Strictly speaking, although she received mandate from her Master and has not shaven her head to take the oath as a nun, she could definitely be considered an outside-person who spread out the religious practice of Buddhism.

    Other than Hou Xibai, there has never been any young man who leaves the least bit of impression in her heart. But the young martial art master in front of her eyes had a kind of hard-to-describe personality, so that a feeling of tenderness and sympathy grew in her heart. Plus his martial art skill was much higher than she imagined. Since her debut, rarely had she encountered such opponent.

    These were all the perceptions that grew in her heart during the standoff. They would not affect her mood at all, much less her swordsmanship.

    By the time her sword leaves its sheath, all distracting thoughts would vanish like smoke in thin air, without leaving any trace at all.

    Thinking to this point, Shi Feixuan sighed inwardly, and then refocused her mind.


    The treasured sword left its sheath.

    One stream of no-stronghold-one-cannot-overcome sword qi shot out from the tip of the sword, piercing the air, straight toward Xu Ziling.

    Xu Ziling stretched out his right hand, drawing a flawless small circle.


    Sword qi and palm power collided. Xu Zilings was severely shaken; he staggered half a step back.

    Shi Feixuan was still as graceful and serene as ever.

    In the midst of this vicious-weapons-dangerous-battle moment, she still gave out the impression that she was hiding in a cluster of dense, fragrant orchids, pacing back and forth in a deep valley on a remote mountain.

    Kou Zhong and Ba Fenghan had never imagined that her sword qi was this formidable; it has practically reached the splitting-the-air-to-attack-the-enemy, freely-according-to-her-wishes stage. But worrying right now would be useless.

    The former called out, Miss, have you tested it out?

    Shi Feixuans pretty eyebrows were slightly knitted; toward Kou Zhongs cry, that was an obvious attempt to distract her mind, she simply regarded it as a bad smell, but toward Xu Zilings move, her fragrant heart was actually greatly astonished.

    Her sword technique was the highest xinfa of the mysterious school; as soon as she made contact with the opponent, she would be able to detect the others actual depth; thereby she could determine whether Xu Ziling had the ability to harness the special power of the Jade Annulus of He Clan.

    However, when their true qi clashed just now, Xu Ziling was sending out a fantastic vortex of energy, which completely sealed and blocked her exploration, so that her true qi failed to penetrate his meridians to incite proper reaction.

    Xu Ziling was finally relieved, albeit only slightly.

    Before the zi hour, he intentionally spent two sichen in sleep-meditation, it was precisely to deal with this situation. Under normal circumstances, he could not surpass Kou Zhongs hundred-tactic acumen. But it was not because his talent was inferior; rather, it was due to his character who did not like to contend against others. However, in critical junctures like this, he would always come up with amazing idea that even Ba Fenghan and Kou Zhong would have to prostrate themselves in admiration. From this, it was clear that his ability and wisdom was actually very superior.

    Although Xu Xingzhis tactics were brilliant, Xu Ziling had already realized that he stole the treasure would be the only flaw.

    Because although outward appearance could be imitated, martial art would not lie.

    His original target was Liao Kong, because Liao Kong used to sit facing the wall studying the Jade Annulus of He Clan, hence he was deeply familiar with its characteristic, and should be qualified to determine whether Xu Ziling had the ability to control and resist the Jade Annulus of He Clan.

    Supposing Xu Ziling did not absorb the Jade Annulus of He Clans special power, this moment not only he did not need to be afraid, he would be happy to let the opponent test him. It was because he was basically unable to control the Jade Annulus of He Clan that Bu Chis staff, with its ten-thousand-catty-thunder-power, coincidentally dissolved him from critical circumstances and brought him greatest fortune instead.

    But now that his meridians had been flushed open by the treasured jade annulus extraordinary power, he could not erase the evidence that he had come in contact with the treasure. Therefore, his two sichen of sleep was not in vain at all; rather, he made use of that time to take the blending of the Jade Annulus of He Clans special power and his own true qi one step further, to a different from of qi power, that even Liao Kong, or perhaps Shi Feixuan, would find it hard to identify.

    Presently, although they were still at an early stage, even a brilliant master like Shi Feixuan felt it difficult to affirm.

    Although admittedly luck also played an important role here.

    Were it not for the fact that Shi Feixuan had never fought with him in the past, this moment she would have been able to sense the difference in his true qi.

    Staring at him without blinking, she spoke softly, The sword in Feixuans hand is called Color Empty [色空], specializing in defending the heart. Xu Xiong, watch out!

    Xu Ziling smiled and said, Miss Shi, please enlighten me!

    The moment two great martial art masters contended against each other in terms of real talent and solid skill has finally arrived.

    Xu Zilings clothes suddenly looked like he was facing a gale; it stuck closed to front part of his body, while the corner of his sleeves fluttered backward as if blown away by violent storm, creating an extremely weird scene.

    Shi Feixuan remained calm as ever, but her pretty eyes were growing brighter and brighter; even the Color Empty Sword seemed to be glowing with brilliant light.

    Overwhelmed with amazement, Kou Zhong and Ba Fenghans countenance changed; they knew that in term of imposing manner, Xu Ziling had already fallen into an absolutely disadvantageous position.

    The Color Empty Sword finally made its move.

  11. #4011
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    Thanks, foxs.

  12. #4012
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    Fight! Fight! Fight!
    thanks foxs

  13. #4013
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    Thanks foxs

  14. #4014
    Senior Member SkyWalker's Avatar
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    Thanks foxs.

    Interesting fight. SFX seems to have it all, beauty and talent! She may be a level above Wanwan.

  15. #4015
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    thanks fox! (x43)

    it been a while.

  16. #4016
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    Thanks foxs

  17. #4017
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    Thanks foxs.

  18. #4018
    Senior Member 徐中銳's Avatar
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    The romance of wuxia, I still retain that childhood feeling of heroism, grandeur...

    Quote Originally Posted by foxs View Post
    The man was casual and elegant; the woman was graceful like a fairy. Watching them was like watching a pair of matching jade annulus made in Heaven
    And trying, like the 3 male leads, when tired, I too push myself in order to make breakthroughs The good of wuxia
    I know more than I can express in words, and the little I can express would not have been expressed, had I not known more. 弗拉基米爾弗拉基米羅維奇納博科夫

  19. #4019
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    Thanks foxs

  20. #4020
    Senior Member foxs's Avatar
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    Default Book 15 Chapter 3 - Part 1

    Jaya, Xiaohu, HPC, Ysabel, Lao Qianbei, Anh, you are welcome. Sky, in term of beauty, I agree with you. But in term of martial art skill, the two supposedly on par. Kink, welcome back (44x ... extra for the next one ) Xu Xiong, I agree; to me, wuxia is still interesting.

    Book 15 Chapter 3 Major Enemy Waiting For The Opportunity

    Lightning flashed, sword qi filled the air.

    Shi Feixuans Color Empty Sword filled the air with light and shadow, which completely enveloped Xu Ziling.

    She was like a fairy dancing lightly and gracefully. Her shadow was barely discernible amidst the flashes of her sword, like the bright moon hidden behind hazy cloud. The densely cold sword qi spread far and wide that Ba Fenghan and Kou Zhong, who were standing three zhang away, could also feel it. The momentum swaying back and forth was like swirling flakes of snow in the middle of a storm.

    Xu Ziling had already stored up his momentum as he was waiting quietly, and was in full alert. But he still could not anticipate that this seemingly gentle, tender and graceful, touching, engaging and charming beautys delicate hand, which was whiter than frost and softer than snow, would be able to unleash such a terrifying sword moves, which were swifter than a rainstorm.

    He knew that this was a critical moment. As soon as he failed to block, her sword qi would invade his meridians, it might immediately spur reaction, and then she would know that the Jade Annulus of He Clans special power has entered his system.

    Xu Zilings body turned into shadow, which swiftly advanced and retreated in the midst of sword shadow. With the fingers closed together his left hand formed a saber, brimming with his true power, moving so fast that ordinary people would not be able to see it, as it chopped to the left and parried to the right, each palm strike accurately hitting the body of Shi Feixuans Color Empty Swords blade.

    Still, everybody knew that Shi Feixuan held the initiatives in her hand, while the opponent was stuck in passive position and could only react to her move.

    Ba Fenghan and Kou Zhong stared tongue-tied, and felt so helpless.

    Xu Ziling has always been able to utilize his acute sense of touch to grasp key moment, but this time, this advantage was completely lost on Shi Feixuan.

    With mystical and abstruse style, and graceful-like-an-immortal shenfa, every single sword strike of Shi Feixuan seemed to be able to grab the key moment and thus completely nullify Xu Zilings counter-offensive.

    No more than twenty moves later, Xu Ziling was completely under the swords control; without the freedom to act independently he was falling under the opponents like-a-heavenly-steed-soaring-across-the-sky swords sphere of influence. His range of motion diminished. The moment he was unable to evade would be the moment he suffered utter defeat.

    Even in this precarious situation, Xu Zilings heart was still free of distraction, his mind was as still as the moon in the well.

    Although he was in the worst predicament possible, this situation has actually stirred up his overbearing, unyielding determination. With heart and soul he met Shi Feixuans floating-freely, fantastically-changing, ever-increasing-in-power, sword technique.

    Using the heart to control the sword.

    Shi Feixuans sword technique did not follow any established rules, but each strike of the sword was designed to hit the opponents weak point. Every sword strike carried the power of a thousand hammers, a hundred (scale) weights, which seized away the heaven and the earths good luck.

    The most formidable thing was the sword qi shooting out of the blade of her sword, which flowed swiftly into every gap, no-hole-left-uninvaded, which was very difficult to guard against.

    Xu Ziling suddenly closed his eyes; pulling back his left hand, he sent out a right punch.


    The body of the Color Empty Sword was hit by Xu Zilings fist.

    Powerful qi swept across horizontally, kicking up the dust in the street.

    Ever since the start of the battle, this was the first time Xu Ziling was able to attack the blade of Shi Feixuans Color Empty Sword.

    Kou Zhong and Ba Fenghan could not refrain from shouting out, Good!

    Sword shadow dissipated.

    Xu Ziling breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to seize this opportunity to attack, when suddenly a bright light flashed in front of his eyes; like a lightning that suddenly struck from the outer sky and broke through the dark cloud of the night, the Color Empty Sword suddenly appeared in front of his chest.

    It was the very first time that the idea that the enemy was not someone he could defeat appeared in his mind; his heart was shaken even more. He knew that under the opponents powerful offensive, he had lost his confidence. If he let this condition continued, his defeat was decided. Then in his pursue of martial art cultivation later on, this blow would become a setback that he could not remedy. It might also prevent him from reaching the peak of perfection all his life.

    It was a distracting thought. But just before Shi Feixuans penetrating-the-universe sword momentum, who could resist such dejected feeling?

    Such a simple sword, yet it contained incomparably profound xinfa and sword logic. It looked slow, but it also looked fast. Just in term of speed alone, it was already difficult to comprehend; plus the blade was vibrating, like a vipers tongue, which gave up the impression that it could change direction at any time.

    In this instant where victory and defeat would be decided, Xu Ziling took a deep breath and pushed away all distracting thoughts out of his mind. His eyes flashed with lightning, both palms closed together like a lotus, and then like a blooming flower all ten fingers opened up in front of the blade like countless finger shadows.


    Xu Zilings left thumb knocked horizontally against the body of the blade, but his entire body was jolted back as if he was struck by lightning.

    Ba Fenghan and Kou Zhong were shocked.

    Shi Feixuans sword strike was undoubtedly unparalleled in the world, but Xu Zilings weird move was exquisite and brilliant beyond compare; it has practically sealed off all attack routes she could possibly take, while also met this one strike head-on.

    The problem was that all along, Xu Zilings true qi was still a level below Shi Feixuans the incomparably refined and pure enigmatic sect and orthodox schools sword qi, which she cultivated since childhood. In addition, the opponent has always been occupying the superior position of offensive initiative. Therefore, not suffering any setback would be a marvel indeed.


    While his body was spiraling in the air as he was thrown back, Xu Ziling spewed a mouthful of blood.

    Shi Feixuans sword momentum congealed; unexpectedly she did not follow up her victory and press home the attack.

    Xu Zilings martial art cultivation was far beyond her expectation. Not only his tenacity was outstanding, he was able to produce strange moves one after another, so that although she maintained the offensive for a long time, she failed to defeat him. The last sword strike just now looked like it would hit his acupoint and thus render him incapable to continue the fight, but unexpectedly it was neutralized by his top-notch amazing technique. She was able to injure him until he vomited blood, but it was not her hearts desire.

    Qiang! Qiang!

    Finally Ba Fenghan and Kou Zhong were unable to hold on anymore. Saber and sword left their scabbards.


    Again Liao Kong rang the copper bell as a warning.

    Right this moment, a shadow shot down like an arrow from the building to their left, straight toward Shi Feixuan.

    The air around them seemed to implode, so that they all felt extremely uncomfortable.

    Such a dreadful martial art, except for the Tian Mo Gong, there was no other.

    The plain-clothed, barefooted Wanwan suddenly appeared like a specter coming out of the deepest black hole of the dream; before the person arrived, a thin stream of ribbon already flew out of her right hand sleeve, like a snake it rolled toward Shi Feixuan, whose mind was still distracted by Xu Zilings profoundness. Its momentum was swift and fierce to the extreme.

    It was absolutely comparable to Shi Feixuans sword a moment ago.

    Only it did not generate any noise or even the whistling sound of qi power splitting the air.

    When her body was still high in the air, her other hand lightly waved her gauzed sleeve in such an amazingly graceful manner, shooting three streams of white light, attacking Xu Ziling, who was still staggering, and Kou Zhong and Ba Fenghan, who were in ready-to-pounce stance. Nobody knew how she did it, but it was very fast and accurate.

    Following the sound of yelling and angry scream, four different shadows shot down from the top of two opposite buildings nearest this side of the bridge. Surprisingly they were Bu Chen, Bu Ju, Bu Tan, and Bu Chi, the Four Great Protector Vajra of Jing Nian Chanyuan.

    Under the moonlight, especially because the light was behind them, their Buddhist staffs appeared even darker; carrying thunderous whistling, their might was awe-inspiring.

    Apparently they were stationed around the battle ground to guard against other people rushing to intervene; but obviously they could not stop Wanwan, this special grade martial art master.

    Reverend Liao Kong invoked the many names of Buddha, and like a meteor catching up with the moon he flew over at top speed.

    In spite all these, Shi Feixuan, who was the target of the sneak attack, remained calm as usual. The Color Empty Sword rose up, while her body floated diagonally up to meet Wanwan.

    However, everybody knew that Wanwan chose this exact moment to make her move, because she knew that after fighting a hard battle with a formidable opponent, and moreover because she accidentally injured Xu Ziling, her mind was distracted and her acute spirit was discharged. Hence for Wanwan, who had been amassing her momentum for a long time in waiting, this moment was precisely the one-in-a-thousand golden opportunity to strike the enemy.

    At this point, the one closest to Wanwan was Xu Ziling.

    But he simply had no time. Plus he had to deal with the secret projectile shot by Wanwan; hence even if he wanted to help, he was simply powerless.

    Ba Fenghan and Kou Zhong were, first of all, comparatively farther away, and secondly, they were also busy blocking the secret projectile, hence no matter what, they were a hair slower. Other people need not be mentioned; they were like water from afar quenches no fire.

    In the blink of an eye, these two illustrious successors representing orthodox and heretic, two separate ways, were engaged in a confrontation against each other.

    The tip of the sword hit the end of the ribbon.

    Before I upset some people out there , this is the middle of the chapter.

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