Thread: 大唐双龙传 [Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan] by Huang Yi

  1. #4041
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    Quote Originally Posted by wangxiaohu View Post
    I'd like to, but when I'm about to press the edit button, suddenly a burst of difficult-to-describe ice-cold air penetrated my finger and entered in, passing my yangyu meridian on the outside of my elbow, to the jianjing acupoint on my shoulder, and down toward dai meridian. It hurts very badly, so I have no option but to withdraw, and cancel my action. Sorry.
    LOL! One of the best responses I've seen.

  2. #4042
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    Quote Originally Posted by CFT View Post
    Oliver Twist says: "Please sir, I want some more"!
    I believe Dong Shuni also said those words.

  3. #4043
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    Quote Originally Posted by wangxiaohu View Post
    I believe Dong Shuni also said those words.
    I'd be sure to oblige her if it was in my power.

  4. #4044
    Senior Member 徐中銳's Avatar
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    Whatever happens, our 3 heroes are for now on-side-side as Shi Feixuan and her monastery friends

    Quote Originally Posted by foxs View Post
    At this point, the one closest to Wanwan was Xu Ziling.

    But he simply had no time. Plus he had to deal with the secret projectile shot by Wanwan; hence even if he wanted to help, he was simply powerless.

    Ba Fenghan and Kou Zhong were, first of all, comparatively farther away, and secondly, they were also busy blocking the secret projectile, hence no matter what, they were a hair slower. Other people need not be mentioned; they were like water from afar quenches no fire...
    I know more than I can express in words, and the little I can express would not have been expressed, had I not known more. 弗拉基米爾弗拉基米羅維奇納博科夫

  5. #4045
    Senior Member foxs's Avatar
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    Default Book 15 Chapter 3 - Part 2

    Xiaohu, HPC, Jaya, Ysabel, spy, Anh, you are welcome. Shirak, I wonder if what happened corresponds to what you have in mind? Oh no et tu, SkyWalker and Lao Qianbei? Are you going to employ me full time? I bet I can post at least a chapter a day Ari, I am with you in this: Daniel, first of all, welcome to the forum. Second, perhaps you did not know, there is a spoiler tag available for comments such as yours. So please, use it. Kink, thanks. Ogagon, welcome. I noticed this was your first post. CFT, heres some more, hopefully you are not too disappointed. Xu Xiong, I think Shi Feixuan knew all along that the three were not bad guys, but am not sure if she would consider them companions. At least not yet. Anyway, heres the end of Chapter 3.

    Shi Feixuans tender body was slightly shaken; she flew horizontally toward the Tianjin Bridge.

    Jolted by the impact, the three-zhang long ribbon was bended first, and then the force flowed along the length of the ribbon, making a wave, which, in turn, became a dozen or so rotating rings; like a shadow it followed Wanwan as she soared into the air to pursue Shi Feixuan, who was flying away in the opposite direction.

    One after another Kou Zhong, three men, dodged the flying blades thrown by Wanwan. Meanwhile the two women already crossed sword and ribbon in the air above the bridge, like numerous strings [of musical instrument] being plucked together at the same time, in an instant they already exchanged more than ten moves.

    Although it happened in such a short period of time, the battle was incomparably intense. Each move carried full power; ruthless, swift and fierce, speed against speed. Amidst the flashes of the sword and the shadows of the ribbon, the two women fought in the air, and down onto the bridge. Their figures advancing and retreating abruptly, like a rabbit evading the falcons hunt. Since the spectators could not even see their face and figure clearly, they could forget about trying to intervene. They only know that at any time the conclusion would come, in the form of splashing blood and a dead body lying on the ground.

    Ba Fenghan was the first to rush toward the head of the bridge. He was about to act when Wanwan and Shi Feixuan suddenly separated.

    Shi Feixuan floated toward the railing of the bridge, the Color Empty Sword was pointing toward Wanwan; an unusual redness appeared on her pretty face.

    In an extremely graceful posture, Wanwan soared up and landed down on the head of the bridge on the opposite side.

    Before her feet touched the ground, Bu Tan and Bu Jus more than a hundred catty Buddhist staffs swept down from the sky, bringing with them the pressure of a storm, blowing her clothes that it was pressed up against her body, emphasizing her beautiful body lines.

    Kou Zhong and the others cried Bad! inwardly; they were the only ones who knew best the level of Wanwans formidability. How could these two monks be her match?

    Wanwans sparkling-and-translucent-like-jade bare feet lightly pushed on the flagstone of the bridgehead, propelling herself at an angle, and in an instant she broke through the two monks staff shadows.

    Amidst her tender laughter, Bu Tan and Bu Ju staggered and fell to the side. Wanwan continued to rise, and then changed direction toward the Luo River. Glancing back, she laughed and said, Meizis [younger sister] is indeed out of the ordinary; thank you for letting Wanwan experience it!

    Right this moment, strange light suddenly flashed; a burst of rays of light shot up at an angle from the small barge parked under the bridge, fast like a thunderbolt it struck Wanwan, who was still flying in the air.

    Again Wanwan let out her sweet-sounding, silver-bell like tender laughter. Her right sleeve brushed away, she swept the tip of the folding fan to the side, and said with a laugh, Hou Xiong is no longer a man who cherishes flowers?

    The interceptor was none other than the Passionate Prince Hou Xibai.

    His folding fans momentum being blocked, Hou Xibai let out a stifled groan as he was jolted back onto the ground, and was thrown about a zhang until he was stopped by the embankment.

    Borrowing the reaction force, Wanwan flew up at an angle and disappeared behind the multi-story building some distance away from the River.

    Came and went like the wind, or like a demon or a specter, making people unsure whether it was real, or they were simply having a nightmare.

    In the meantime Bu Tan and Bu Ju had just landed on the ground. Although they were no longer staggering, their footsteps were heavy; a clear sign that they had suffered injury.

    Liao Kong swept past Ba Fenghan, three men, who were stopping at the head of the bridge, toward Shi Feixuan, and put his palms together in greeting.

    Bu Chi and Bu Chen stood behind the three, quietly taking their position to surround them.

    Shi Feixuan floated over the bridge; her expression was as calm as ever, with some kind of gracefulness, free and easy, beautiful appearance of a fairy.

    Her deep gaze was fixed on the distance, where Wanwan was disappearing in the dark.

    Hou Xibai scrambled toward the bridge. Deeply concerned, he asked, Feixuan, is your honorable self well?

    All eyes were on this as-simple-and-elegant-as-a-fairy beauty.

    Shi Feixuan gave a slight smile; she said glibly, Tian Mo Gong is indeed worthy to be called the Demon Cults consummate skill; its countless changes emerge in endless succession.

    And then her gaze fell on Xu Ziling. Hows Xu Xiongs injury? she asked tenderly.

    Xu Ziling did not expect that, under this circumstance, she still cared about the injury of this enemy; an extremely odd feeling emerged in his heart. Shouldnt be a problem, he replied seriously, Thank you, Miss, for your concern.

    Pfft! Shi Feixuan burst out in tender laughter. It was me who injure you, she said, Why did you thank me?

    Her rarely-came-out burst of laughter was like a blooming flower, or the sunrise from the eastern mountain; so brilliant that it dazzled everybody else. Except for Liao Kong, who still looked like an old monk in deep meditation, even the Four Great Protector Vajra were also staring blankly at her. Kou Zhong, Hou Xibai, and the others need not be mentioned.

    The smile subsided, Shi Feixuan returned to her still-water-without-any-ripple expression. Sweeping Xu Ziling, three men, with her gaze, she spoke indifferently, For the time being, well set the Jade Annulus of He Clan matter aside. I will decide how to pursue this matter later.

    And then turning her attention to Hou Xibai, she said, Feixuan will momentarily stay at the Dhyana Temple to recover. If theres karma between us, I will see Hou Xiong later.

    Finished speaking, she turned around and left.

    Liao Kong and the others, five monks, immediately put their palms together in salute toward Xu, Kou and Ba; they were very polite that it did not look like they consider the three as their enemy. And then they left to escort Shi Feixuan.

    Ba Fenghan and the others looked at each other; they all did not expect that this matter would end like this, so they were not sure if they should thank Wanwan, or they should hate her.

    Hou Xibai appeared to be in daze; he mumbled repeatedly, Feixuan is injured, Feixuan is injured

    Kou Zhong made an eye signal toward Ba Fenghan. The latter turned to Hou Xibai, Hou Xiong

    He had just started, Hou Xibai, who was still on the bridge, suddenly turned around to look at them. His eyes turned cold as he said, Next time if the three gentlemen are dealing with Yin Gui Pai, please do not forget to leave me a share.

    With a leap he landed on the small barge under the bridge, and let the current bring the boat downstream.

    All around them the street has returned to its cold and quiet atmosphere.

    Ba Fenghan sighed involuntarily; turning toward Xu Ziling, he asked, Is Ziling all right?

    Xu Ziling looked up at the moon above; heaving a deep, heavy sigh, he shook his head and said, Just now my heart was slightly tight, but now I feel much better!

    Kou Zhong walked over toward Xu Ziling; with an arm around his shoulder, he raised the other hands thumb and praised, Xiao Ling is really all right! This is called glorious defeat. Over time, we need not be afraid of anybody.

    And then he added, What are we going to do now? Shall we go back to that wine shop and drink until morning, or find a quiet place and have his mothers good sleep for a while?

    Looking around, Xu Ziling wondered aloud, How come along the Heavenly Street all stores and shops have their doors and windows closed? We dont even see half a pedestrian on the street either. Dont you think this is strange?

    Kou Zhong speculated, Perhaps that ********* Wang Shichong is afraid bystanders might be injured accidentally, hence he issued an order prohibiting anybody to step out even half a pace after certain hours certain time. Or something like that. Maybe?

    Frowning, Ba Fenghan said, That is one possibility, but I still feel like something is wrong.

    Kou Zhong pulled the arm with which he embraced Xu Zilings shoulders, Standing foolishly waiting for people to challenge us for battle like this is not the way to deal with this matter; wed better go someplace else.

    Sneering, Xu Ziling said, Who would put us up for the night now? Including your old friend Wang Shichong, whod welcome us in Luoyang?

    It was not clear whether Ba Fenghan was thinking about Princess Dong Ming; he sighed and said, How about Mr. Xus little nest?

    Kou Zhongs heart was moved; he laughed and said, How about going to the casinos big boss Rong Fengxiangs magnificent residence to hide for the night? Doing a bit of harm to this fellow is not a bad thing either.

    The other two looked at him, stunned.

    Kou Zhong explained, Tonight Dong Shuni was going to the Rong Mansion to join Rong Fengxiangs birthday feast; she even told me to wait at the back door, shed slip out and wed elope together, so Hey! Why are you two looking at me with such a dreadful and dubious expression like that?

    Ba Fenghan coldly said, If Dong Shuni had wanted to elope, she would have eloped for a hundred times. Why does she show you, Zhong Shao, a special favor? Dont you find it suspicious?

    Kou Zhong was stunned. You think thats impossible? he said, I did not treat her too shabbily either! You think she is setting a trap to harm me?

    Xu Ziling said, What relationship does she have with you? Why did she pick you? Why does she want to elope with you?

    Kou Zhong sighed and said, Actually, she and I had a bit of relationship; but now that you mentioned it, I also feel that theres something not quite right. I hope she was just joking! Otherwise there must be a bit of problem here; like, she is a woman who adores glory, splendor, wealth and rank, how could she be willing to abandon all those, and come with me, a lone wanderer, to the other end of the world?

    And then he clapped his hands and said, All right! Enough chitchat! Where are we going now?

    Suddenly all three mens eyes lit up.

    Actually, the entire Tianjin Bridge lit up.

    Turning their heads around, they saw a huge, brightly lit ship, was sailing upstream toward the Tianjin Bridge.

    This ship originally had no light, but suddenly it became this bright; they definitely had a team of well-trained lamplighters.

    Kou Zhong sighed and said, Old Ba, you win! I am afraid tonight we really have to bear it until dawn. I hope two gentlemen still remember that Triangular Formation.

  6. #4046
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    Thanks foxs

  7. #4047
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    Thanks foxs. It is my first time joining the forum eventhough I have been reading the translated ones you have been doing. Sorry, I did not intend to make any spoilers. I am eager to follow and read your works eventhough I know already the story so roughly. Unfortunately, I cannot find such "spolier tag" on this story. Can anyone inform? I want to read your discussions on this very interesting story.

  8. #4048
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    Thanks, foxs.

  9. #4049
    Senior Member LuDongBin's Avatar
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    I blinked and the chapters just passed me by!

    色空: That looks like related to the opening stanza of the Heart Sutra (心經). "色不異空,空不異色;色即是空,空即是色". Many English terms have been used to translate 色 and 空. Most widely used are Form and Emptiness. Foxs is wise to stick to Color Empty.

    Thanks for those exciting chapters, foxs, especially the long awaited encounter between Wanwan and SFX.

  10. #4050
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    Thanks foxs.

  11. #4051
    Senior Member SkyWalker's Avatar
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    Thanks foxs.

    Good first encounter between two powerful beauties. Any chance they will join the boys on their adventures?

  12. #4052
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    Thanks foxs

  13. #4053
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    color is also a kind of form which means formation of micro substances (in buddhism defination).

  14. #4054
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    thanks foxs!

  15. #4055
    Senior Member LuDongBin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by akolaw View Post
    color is also a kind of form which means formation of micro substances (in buddhism defination).
    Color is an abstract form in that sense and a narrower definition. From the Heart Sutra perspective, Form is more encompassing; there is Form with Substance and without Substance. Judging from the subsequent paragraphs, the sword techniques of SFX is much broader and deeper: slow yet fast; light yet forceful; static yet dynamic; insubstantial yet material. Just these two characters 色空 and yet so much meaning. A bit easier for a Chinese to understand the underlying meaning and the emotions conveyed but difficult for a Westerner not exposed to Chinese philosophy, particularly the concept of Non-Duality.

  16. #4056
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    You are right. Buddhism look at the true nature of the issue and denounce the attachment to the side, thus the middle way view. Heart Sutra I bow.
    Last edited by akolaw; 10-30-16 at 12:16 AM.

  17. #4057
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    Well foxs, yes it's close enough to what I had in mind.

    It's perfectly understandable that SFX lost the exchange to Wanwan due to the circumstances in which it began. But the fact that she was able to hold Wanwan's full power off is already impressive in itself.

    We've seen how amazing the Sword Canon that supposedly, even Ning Daoqi couldn't read, is, Tian Mo Gong and the Secret to Long Life. I hope the War God Catalogue will also make an appearance at some point in time.

    As for the coming fight, I'm not that interested, as I have confidence in the Triangle Formation in fighting off anyone who comes, including Qu Ao + Tuoba Yu (and BFH's ex-lover and love rival). Though I do hope that they manage to kill some of those they really don't like, eg. Wang Bodang. I'm more keen in seeing the story transit towards the Battle of Yanshi.

    Anyway, with regards to spoilers, I think many of us know a little bit about the story, be it from drama serial (though heavily changed....), comics or history, it's important to balance small curiosity answers and a blatant spoiler on the story.

    This is why I've intentionally avoided a direct answer on who XZL and KZ's eventual wives are. Or even who it wouldn't be......(especially since a few of XZL's potential wives have quite a bit of support here and people will be disappointed to know that it's not them!)

    Hope everyone can stick to using the spoiler tag!

  18. #4058
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    To amuse some readers, Wang Shichong was introduced back at Book 4 Chapter 3 Shooting Star from the North :
    Quote Originally Posted by foxs View Post
    The man wearing government official attire suddenly spoke up, Two Xiao Xiongdi, could you come over to meet with us?

    The hundreds of guests in the hall were about to continue inquiring about what had just happened; hearing him, they all showed astonishment on their faces. Why would he be interested in these two kids?

    Actually, unlike Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling had guessed, this official looking gentleman was not the master of this mansion; he was also one of the guests. Moreover, he was a Sui minister who held the balance of power in the imperial court, plus he was also one of several martial art masters within the imperial court.

    This mans name was Wang Shichong...
    I know more than I can express in words, and the little I can express would not have been expressed, had I not known more. 弗拉基米爾弗拉基米羅維奇納博科夫

  19. #4059
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    Default Book 15 Chapter 4 - Part 1

    Ysabel, Jaya, Lao Qianbei, HPC, Kink, you are welcome. Daniel, actually, the spoiler tag has nothing to do with this story. It is just an editing function like Bold, Italic, Underline, etc. The purpose is so that those who have never read the story and do not wish to know whats going on in the future dont have to read it. When you reply to thread, use the go advanced, then youll see an editing window with three rows of buttons above it. Spoiler tag is the last one on the third row. DongBin, Akolaw, actually, I am open to suggestion. If you guys have a better term, please let me know. Similarly, there are a lot of words that I simply transliterate, because I cant think of better (and concise) English words. Sky, well just have to wait and see Shirak, good points. Xu Xiong, thanks for the reminder. This is why we need the index and cross-reference. ;p Anyway, I have some time, I thought I'd try to catch up a little bit. Expect the rest of the chapter Monday evening US time. Thank you for your support everybody.

    Book 15 Chapter 4 Bearded Visitor From The East

    The glorious lantern lights illuminated the entire river bend and both banks of the river around the huge ship as it sailed speedily toward the Tianjin Bridge.

    The sails have been lowered, the ship was relying entirely on the eighteen oars on each side, pushing the water to move it forward.

    Wind lanterns were hanging along the side of the ship at one step intervals, so close together so that the lanterns practically outlining the contours of the whole ship, creating a surreptitious, indescribable impression.

    Above the main deck was a two-story bridge; the top level had the helm and the observation platform, on which more than a dozen men and women were standing at random. But Kou Zhong and the others, three men, only saw one person.

    Because this man was like a crane in a flock of chicken, all at once he attracted their attention so that they had no time to take notice of the other people.

    This lordly gentleman looked to be around thirty, wearing barbarian attire, with long bushy beard on his face, tall and majestic; compared to the people around him, he was at least half a head taller, he was perhaps of the same height with Kou Zhong, three men.

    Although he was standing with his hands behind his back, he was able to make people feel that he had a lofty mountain, high peak, outstanding, out of the ordinary, spirit, a heroic, overbearingly imposing style.

    His face, surrounded by the bushy beard, was actually clear, amazing, and heroic. Although his cheekbones were high, his nose was big, grand and powerful. His eyes were surprisingly thin, but the pupils inside them were bright and flashing with clear, deep, and intelligent radiance, as he was sizing up Xu and the others, three men, from a distance.

    Both on his left and right stood two beautiful women, but in the eyes of the three men, they were not as attractive as this dragon-bearded man brimming with masculine charm.

    Facing the huge boat that was still twenty zhang away but fast approaching them, Kou Zhong shouted, Whos there? If you come for us, report your name. I, Kou Zhong, am not interested in killing an unnamed nobody.

    The last sentence was, naturally, the bold, visionary words that Ba Fenghan spoke toward Hou Xibai, and indeed it showed aggressiveness.

    Ba Fenghan smiled.

    Xu Ziling was silent, but he was circulating his breathing to treat his injury.

    Shi Feixuans sword qi was a rare, innate qi. If not for his foundation came from Taoist Schools secret treasure, the Secret to Long Life, plus his meridians have undergone transformation by the Jade Annulus of He Clans special power, perhaps he could not fully recover for the rest of his life.

    At that time he felt that at the last moment Shi Feixuan withdrew some of her true qi; supposing it were not so, perhaps he would have to suffer for several days.

    Since the engagement began, although Shi Feixuan appeared to send swift and severe offensive, the fact was that the attacks were well-measured, purely to test him out, without any intention to harm him.

    This woman had a not-eating-the-food-of-common-mortals kind of noble character. Compared to Princess Dong Ming, Shang Xiuxun, women of high position and status, she had different noble air, making her towering above those other women, making her extremely unique.

    A long laugh awakened Xu Ziling from his deep contemplation, so that he could not help shivering inwardly.

    He had never given any woman this much thought.

    The dragon-bearded mans voice rose up, Kou Zhong must be joking! Xiaodi Fu Qian; coming with specific purpose of making friends with three gentlemen and paying my respect!

    He spoke perfect Chinese with very articulate pronunciation and vocalization, paying particular attention to the tone of each word, so that he could be considered half a notch above Ba Fenghan, who had left home to make his way in the world for many years.

    From his appearance and his dragon-beard trademark, the three had already guessed who he was, hence hearing his response, they were not surprised at all. The only thing they did not expect was that he would look this formidable and overbearing, his heroic aura covered the sky.

    The huge ships speed was decreasing, otherwise the mast, which came out to two zhang above the bridge, would shake and break the bridge, and even the lid of the top level of the bridge would not survive.

    His deep, manly, and sweet-sounding voice vanished, Ba Fenghan smiled and said, Fu Xiongs great name is like thunder piercing the ear, ol Ba admire it very much. But there is one thing I am not clear; I want to ask for guidance!


    Thunderous shout boomed from the belly of the ship. At precisely the same time, thirty-six men cried out as if it came from one persons mouth.

    Thirty-six oars reversed direction at the same time; the giant ship miraculously stopped on the surface of the River, maintaining about three zhang distance between the bow and the bridgehead. Fu Qian and the other dozen or so people happened to stand at the same elevation as the bridgehead, so that as they spoke, neither side was put in an awkward position of one was higher or lower than the other.

    On the surrounding area, the lanterns were dim; only this section by the Tianjin Bridge the Luo River was ablaze with light, even the moon and the stars in the sky were eclipsed.

    Due to the movement of the giant ship, bigger waves slapped the embankments, creating louder rustling noise.

    Other than that, everything else was so quiet and harmonious.

    The oars kept moving in such an ingenious way that the huge ship stayed unmoving in the middle of the river.

    Fu Qian calmly replied, Ba Xiong need not be hesitant to ask, Xiaodi wont hide anything I know, I wont stop before I have said it through.

    Ba Fenghans eyes flashed with cold rays; he spoke coldly, Fu Xiong hid the ship nearby, and suddenly appeared. Your timing is accurate, I wonder what do you intend to do?

    These words bore no trace of politeness, but Ba Fenghan could not be blamed. Because Fu Qian and Wang Bo were intimately related, it would be easy to make an associative connection that Fu Qian came with malicious motive.

    The people standing around Fu Qian revealed a displeased expression on their faces. The two Tuyuhun women by Fu Qians sides even showed disdain, as if they were blaming Ba Fenghan for failing to appreciate their kindness.

    Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were accustomed to Ba Fenghans no nonsense attitude toward anybody; they did not feel it strange at all.

    Surprisingly, Fu Qian did not take offense as well; laughing aloud, he said, There are three reasons: one, Xiaodi loves to join in the fun. This time I came to the Central Plains, this is the main reason.

    The three did not expect him to be this forthcoming. He said clearly that while the Central Plains was in chaos, he came to take this advantage of fishing in troubled water.

    Kou Zhong scanned the entourage standing by his side, the oldest looked no more than forty years old, every single one of them had bulging taiyang acupoints [on the temples], their eyes were flickering brightly; obviously Fu Qians martial art masters were as numerous as the cloud, his strength must not be scorned. Only Kou Zhong did not know whether Xing Mofei, who spoke in public at the Man Qing Yuan the other night, was one of them. Thereupon he said with a cold snort, Joining the fun sometimes requires that you pay the price. I wish Fu Xiong to have propitious wind throughout your journey!

    From Song Yuzhi, he knew that Fu Qian had special interest toward them. And with Song Yuzhis shrewdness, if she said so, she must have strong reason, and not something that she shot without aiming.

    A young man standing behind Fu Qian was about to open his mouth in retort, but this martial art master from the Tuyuhun Kings Clan signaled him to stop, and then, remaining tranquil and calm, he laughed and said, Xiaodi came to the Central Plains, from the beginning I havent had the enjoyment of roaming the mountains and playing in the waters; many thanks for Kou Xiongs concern. As for the second reason, Xiaodi wants to destroy Tiele peoples conspiracy; I dont want Qu Ao, Tulis crafty scheme prevails. And the last reason: I want to see if three gentlemen have time to spare to have your honorable selves onto my humble boat to drink and chat until daybreak?

    Ba Fenghan threw his head back and laughed aloud; he said, Fu Xiongs two good intentions, we appreciate very much! Right now we only want to find a place to stay for the night and have a good sleep. Please!

    A thin smile appeared on the corner of Fu Qians mouth; nodding, he said, Three gentlemen are indeed exceptional heroes, ol Fu admires you.

    The oars moved, the huge ship went in reverse.

    And then the lanterns went off, as the ship disappeared in the dark river bend.

    ※ ※ ※

    The sound of turning wheels against the flagstone, mixed with the hoof beats of the mules, came from the street down below.

    Kou Zhong stretched his limbs before opening his eyes and sat up. Xu Ziling had already woke up; he was standing against the railing of a bell and drum tower located on the northern bank of the Luo River, gazing into the distance at the Tianjian Bridge spanning across the River. It was not clear whether he was thinking about his encountered with Shi Feixuan the previous night.

    Ba Fenghan was sitting cross-legged in meditation, closing himself out of anything that was happening around him. The Beheading Mystery Sword was lying flat across his legs.

    Kou Zhong sprang up and walked over to Xu Zilings side.

    Outside the tower, the drizzle continued; it was as if the entire Luo River had fallen into a vast expanse of mist whiteness.

    Kou Zhong took a deep breath of the early morning air mixed with the fog. Looking far into the distance, across the misty rain, he sighed and said, Its really nice! We are still alive, and had just had a great nights sleep.

    Xu Ziling noticed that Kou Zhongs left hand was fiddling with the pendant on his chest, at the end of the chair hanging from his neck. He asked in surprise, Why this sudden interest of the pendant?

    Kou Zhong replied in delight, I forgot to tell you, I met its original owner last night.

    Xu Ziling was stunned, You met Chuchu? he asked.

    Kou Zhong got this pendant when they were at Zhai Rangs Big Boss Mansion. Chuchu went with Zhai Jiao to take refuge. Just before they left, she had Susu hand the pendant to Kou Zhong [See Book 4 Chapter 12].

    Recalling this matter, he really felt as if it all happened a lifetime ago.

  20. #4060
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    Thanks foxs

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